NHC Passed 9 Kinds of "Three New Foods" including Yerba Mate

On December 1, 2023, the National Health Commission issued the Announcement on 9 Kinds of "Three New Foods" including Yerba Mate, which passed 3 novel foods including Yerba mate and 2 new varieties of food additives including edible tannin.

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2022: Year in Review - Approval of "Three New Food"

In China, "three new food" refers to novel food, new varieties of food additives and new varieties of food related products. The National Health Commission is responsible for the acceptance and approval of "three new food".

2022: Year in Review (II) - Dairy Products

In the year of 2022, China government revealed several regulations and drafts for comments about dairy products you are interested. Antion pulled a list for those articles and some other related information that worth to read again.